Devotions for Spiritual Strength

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Jesus' Soapbox

You Will Not Always Have Me

Day 1: Drawing Near to God
Reading: John 12:1-8

As we enter the season of Lent, we're reminded of Jesus' words: "You will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me." This passage invites us to reflect on the importance of drawing near to God when He feels close. Like Mary anointing Jesus' feet, we're called to acts of devotion and worship. Today, consider how you can create space in your life to experience God's presence more fully. What distractions might you need to set aside? How can you cultivate a heart that's attentive to God's voice? Remember, these moments of closeness are precious gifts - cherish them and let them fuel your faith journey.
Day 2: Seeing with Heavenly Perspective
Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

In the story of Mary anointing Jesus, we see a stark contrast between earthly and heavenly perspectives. While others saw waste, Jesus saw beauty and devotion. Paul reminds us in today's reading to fix our eyes on what is unseen and eternal. As you go through your day, practice looking at situations through God's eyes. Where might God be at work in ways you haven't noticed? How can you shift your focus from temporary concerns to eternal values? Ask God to help you see the world - and the people around you - as He does.
Day 3: Embracing Seasons of Faith
Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Our faith journey isn't always a straight line upward. Like a labyrinth, it can bring us close to God at times and feel distant at others. Today's reading reminds us there is a season for everything under heaven. If you're in a season of feeling close to God, savor it and let it deepen your roots. If you're feeling distant, take heart - this too shall pass. The key is to keep walking, trusting that God is with you in every season. Reflect on your current spiritual season. How can you embrace where you are while still moving forward in faith?
Day 4: Serving with Compassion
Reading: Matthew 25:31-40

Jesus' statement about always having the poor among us wasn't an excuse for inaction, but a call to ongoing compassion. Today's reading shows how seriously Jesus takes our treatment of those in need. As we journey through Lent, let's remember that drawing near to God often means drawing near to those He loves. Who in your community might need compassion today? How can you be the hands and feet of Jesus to them? Ask God to give you eyes to see and a heart to respond to the needs around you.
Day 5: Preparing for Sacrifice
Reading: Mark 14:3-9

As Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem, He was acutely aware of the sacrifice ahead. Mary's act of anointing was, as Jesus said, preparing Him for burial. During Lent, we too are called to prepare our hearts for the cross and resurrection. What might you need to "pour out" as an act of devotion to Christ? Is there a comfort, a habit, or an attitude that you need to sacrifice to follow Jesus more closely? Pray for the courage to offer yourself fully to God, trusting that He can use even our small acts of faith for His glory.